Understanding the history of water on Mars using observations from the surface, orbit, and Earth analogs

  • Desiccation cracks on the outcrop Old Soaker suggest increased surface exposure.

    Exploring a possible ancient lakeshore with the MSL Curiosity rover

    The Sutton Island member of the Murray Formation in Gale crater may have been deposited in a lakeshore or low stand, as evidence by the mudcracks (pictured) and Mastcam multispectral data that show a lack of hematite and increased clay content in this unique region (Haber et al., 2022).

  • Using HiRISE color data to study possible widespread diagenesis at unconformities in Gale

    Here we use orbital color data to look at color variation as evidence of possible diagenesis by studying the their distribution more broadly in Gale to help better constrain the nature and chemistry of fluid interactions through time.

  • James Haber in the field with a rock hammer

    Analogs in Utah may help us better understand diagenesis on Mars

    We collected samples from the Carmel Formation in Utah to interpret their diagenetic history in the summer of 2021 and 2022 with funding from the GSA and IndianaView.